City of Monte Vista RFP #2025-02
The City of Monte Vista is requesting proposals from qualified contractors to provide
Sanitary Sewer Cleaning and CCTV Inspection Services. Examples of potential type of
work may include, but is not limited to the following:
Cleaning of sanitary sewers ranging in size from 4 to 24 inches in diameter.
This work includes flushing, debris removal, grease removal, root cutting,
deposit cutting, and grinding protruding break-in service connections.
Internal video inspection of sewers via Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)
of sewers ranging from 4 to 24 inches in diameter. The inspections shall
include providing the City with digital videos, images, and reports that
include condition and other descriptive data related to the sewer
according to NASSCO’s Pipeline Assessment Certification Program.
Proposal submission via hardcopy is required. Hard copy proposals shall be submitted,
three (3) copies, will be received at the City of Monte Vista, 95 W 1st St., Monte Vista,
CO 81144. Proposals will be received before 3 pm MST, March 13, 2025 and
referenced as #2025-02 Sanitary Sewer Cleaning Services and CCTV Inspection.
Requests for proposals and or questions concerning the scope of the project or the bid
submittal process should be directed to the Public Works Director, Robert Vance at
The City of Monte Vista is subject to public information laws, which permit access to
most records and documents. Proprietary information in your response must be clearly
identified and will be protected to the extent legally permissible. Proposals may not be
marked ‘Proprietary’ in their entirety. Information considered proprietary is limited to
material treated as confidential in the normal conduct of business, trade secrets,
discount information, and individual product or service pricing. Summary price
information may not be designated as proprietary as such information may be carried
forward into other public documents. All provisions of any contract resulting from this
request for proposal will be public information.
The City of Monte Vista reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive
any irregularities or informalities.