Utility Billing

You can view your current and past statements online through Xpress Bill Pay.

Billing rates and other utility rates can be found here.

Resolution formally adopting procedures used by the City of Monte Vista to assist utility billing customers. To view the full resolution click here 


Has Your Information Changed? Please Update Now!
It’s vital we have the most current mailing address so we can help ensure timely delivery of your utility statement. Please contact City Hall at 719-852-2692 to update your information.

Picture of shutoff notice

Payment Methods



Once your online account at Xpress Bill Pay has been established you will have access to your city account 24 hours a day. You can view changes, usage, schedule a one-time credit card or e-check payment, enroll in autopay, pay a designated amount, pay the full bill each month, or request that your account be paperless, along with many other helpful options. You can learn more about Xpress Bill Pay here.

If you have any issues you can contact Xpress Bill Pay customer support at 1-800-768-7295, ext. 1 or

Drive Up Box

There is a drive up drop box available for your convenience. It is the white box on the south side of the main parking lot at City Hall, 95 West First Avenue. Do not deposit payments with cash when using the drop box. Please include payment made to the "City of Monte Vista" along with the small portion of your statement which documents the property address, account name and number in order to insure accuracy.

Cashier Window

We accept cash, check, money order, debit and credit cards at our cashier window located just inside City Hall.


We can set up an ACH withdrawal to be deducted from your checking or savings account on the due date each month. To do this, you will need to come to City Hall with your routing number and account information.

To set up a payment date other than the due date, you will need to login to your account with Xpress Bill Pay where you can request a one-time or reoccurring payment using any date you would like.


By mail, please send payment by check made out to the "City of Monte Vista". Include the small portion of your statement which documents the property address, account name, and account number in order to insure accuracy. We do not accept third party checks.

If you have questions on any of the above options or need assistance with getting an online account set up please contact the Utility Billing Department at 719-852-2692, or go to the Xpress Bill Pay Setup page.

Send checks to:

Utility Billing
95 W. First Ave.
Monte Vista, CO 81144

Billing Code Description
Code Description
CR Credit Balance
MS Miscellaneous Charge (Water On/Off)
PC Pest Control
PN Penalty on Prior Balance
SB Sewer Base
SD Storm Drain Maintenance Fee
SL Street Light Maintenance Fee
SU Sewer Usage
WB Water Base
WU Water Usage

If your statement has a prior balance, please pay immediately to avoid disruption of your water service.

Michelle Jardon

Utility Billing Clerk

Phone: 719-852-1202


Utility Billing Quick Links

Dept. Forms/Documents