Water/Sewer Rates


Residential Metered Water Rates

Monthly Water Base Rates  
Inside City Residential Charge $28.00 per month
Outside City Residential Charge $56.00 per month
Commercial Base Rates Varies based on meter size

Tiers for Water Usage

In City Service Area Customers Out of Service Area Customers
Tier 1 - First 5,000 gallons included in base Tier 1 - First 5,000 gallons included in base
Tier 2 - $1.50 per thousand, 5,001 - 15,000 gallons Tier 2 - $3.00 per thousand, 5,001 - 15,000 gallons
Tier 3 - $2.00 per thousand, 15,001 - 30,000 gallons Tier 3 - $4.00 per thousand, 15,001 - 30,000 gallons
Tier 4 - $2.50 per thousand, 30,001 gallons plus Tier 4 - $5.00 per thousand, 30,001 gallons plus

The Base Service Charge for all users includes up to 5,000 gallons of water in both the summer and winter billing periods. In the winter, customers are provided with up to 15,000 gallons a month within the base service charge. After the 15,000 gallons are used, the user will then pay starting at Tier 3 for any water used over 15,000 gallons and at Tier 4 for any water used over 30,000 gallons.

Residential Sewer Rates

Monthly Sewer Base Rates June 2022 June 2023 June 2024
Inside City Residential Charge $30.65 per month  $42.91 per month $55.17 per month
Outside City Residential Charge


$34.00 per month $47.60 per month $61.20 per month
Monthly Usage Rates      
Inside City Sewer Rates $4.60 per 1,000 Gallons $5.30 per 1, 000 Gallons $6.00 per 1, 000 Gallons
Outside City Sewer Rates $9.20 per 1,000 Gallons $10.60 per 1, 000 Gallons $12.00 per 1,000 Gallons

Fee Schedule

Return Check Fee $25.00
Bulk Water Charge includes 500 Gal of water $10.00
Bulk Water Charge above 500 Gal of water $15.00 PER/K $15.00
Disconnect (abandon) taps $10.00
Broken Meters due to freezing actual cost
Flow test (if it produces an accurate read) $35.00
Flat Late fee on balances under $250.00 $5.00
Month late fee on balances over $250.00 $5.00 plus 2% 
Processing fee for accts sent to tax lien $100.00
Name change renter for billing $10.00
Name change owner for billing $10.00
Name change – requested but not finalized $10.00
Re-read after 2nd re-read per month $5.00
Second (Irrigation) meter on one account $10.00
Shut off notice – certified letter or hang tag $5.00
On/off non-payment processing fee $50.00
Tampering fee $25.00
Trip Charge during normal business hours water on/off $15.00
Trip Charge after business hours water on/off $20.00

Sewer Rate Calculations

Since sewer usage can't be metered, sewer charges are based on your water use. Each year, the City establishes your annual sewer average for the following 11 months based on the metered water consumption from your mid-November through mid-December water readings. The highest amount your account will be charged will be the lower of your actual water usage for that month or the established sewer average.

If you have plumbing issues during the period that we establish the sewer average please contact our office immediately in order to schedule an appointment with public works to have them document the problem so it can be reviewed for possible adjustment.

Since customers typically use much larger amounts of water during the hot summer months, we bill sewer usage based on your winter average. This lets us assume that a portion of the increased heavy summer water usage is going into the ground rather than the sewer system, allowing us to lower the amount you are billed for sewer use.

Lowering Your Monthly Charges

To help our local environment and keep the charges on your monthly utility bill down, wrap exterior pipes to prevent freezing, examine how much water you use throughout your home, check now for water leaks, especially in sinks, inside and outside faucets, and toilets. Run full loads in the dishwasher and use appropriate load settings for your washing machine. It's also a good idea to review how your family uses water because the more water you use this winter, the higher your sewer bill will be for the remainder of the year.