RFP #2024-P02 Urban Forestry Plan and Urban Forest Support Due Date: September 30, 2024 by 2:00 PM MST

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RFP #2024-P02

Urban Forestry Plan and Urban Forest Support

Due Date: September 30, 2024 by 2:00 PM MST

The City of Monte Vista is seeking proposals from qualified contractors to assist in the creation of an Urban Forestry Plan and IRA Urban Forestry Project Support. Potential tasks include developing an Urban Forestry Management Plan, tree inventory, creating a tree planting plan, acquiring trees, and carrying out tree planting and maintenance operations.

Please note that hard copy proposals, consisting of three (3) copies, should be submitted to the City of Monte Vista at 95 W 1st St., Monte Vista, CO 81144. The deadline for proposal submission is 2 pm MST, Wednesday, September 30, 2024. Please reference the proposal as #2024-P02 Urban Forestry Plan and Urban Forest Support.

For inquiries about the project scope or the bidding process, please contact the Public Works Director, Robert Vance, at rvance@ci.monte-vista.co.us


It's important to be aware that the City of Monte Vista is subject to public information laws, so any proprietary information in your response must be clearly marked. Proposals may not be labeled 'Proprietary' in their entirety. Information considered proprietary includes confidential business material, trade secrets, discount information, and specific product or service pricing. Additionally, summary price information cannot be designated as proprietary, as it may be included in other public documents. All provisions of any contract resulting from this request will be public information.

The City of Monte Vista reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any irregularities or informalities.

